Haversine Funding

by ABF Journal Staff

Ambition and Persistence: Haversine Funding Takes Creative Paths to Support Lenders

Haversine Funding uses its team’s industry expertise along with rigorous market research and feedback from clients to address unmet needs in specialty finance. By using this approach, the firm is able to develop unique financial services for its commercial lenders. Haversine Funding provides solutions that are both innovative and adaptive to the challenges faced by its lender clients, setting it apart from other lender finance firms as a unique and productive provider in the specialty finance industry.

“At Haversine, we aren’t afraid to push past the boundaries of ‘what’s been done’ in specialty finance,” Stan Vukmer, founder and CEO of Haversine Funding, says.

A key driver of innovation at Haversine Funding is its persistent effort to raise the bar in order to improve the customer experience and find new solutions for industry challenges. Furthermore, the culture at Haversine is built upon collaborative efforts and constant curiosity that encourages the team to develop new and innovative ideas and solutions. By taking knowledge from capital markets, fund management and specialty finance, Haversine has been able to curate a talented team of experts to which most lenders don’t typically have access. In taking advantage of this vast and unique knowledge base, the firm is able to create more solutions that benefit its own bottom line and the lending industry as a whole.

At Haversine, it is crucial to have an efficient and ambitious team and not just a strong figurehead. As Vukmer says, although leadership is important, teamwork is what leads to innovation. Thanks to its collaborative efforts, the Haversine team is able to overcome challenges, critique strategies and create solutions, particularly when faced with new opportunities.

“We encourage open dialogue and make sure there’s room for brainstorming and even respectful debate when evaluating new approaches,” Vukmer says.

Haversine’s strategies have influenced the specialty finance industry by introducing new financing models and educational resources, kickstarting a shift toward approaches that are more client-centered. In October 2023, Haversine took the leap to start a monthly podcast featuring industry leaders, that contributes to the dialogue surrounding finance trends. Within a few months, its views exceeded 1,000 per episode. Strong efforts like this enhance connections between lenders and directly support lender growth.

“Through research, willingness to experiment, the ability to pivot when needed, including perspectives from across the team – that’s what sets you apart. It’s the key to unlocking innovation,” Vukmer says.

Haversine uses a proactive approach to address niche market needs, support growth and strengthen the specialty finance industry. This approach allows the firm to fill market funding gaps and set new standards for the industry. Not only has Haversine developed a lead generation platform and curated a successful educational podcast, but it also has assisted lenders in scaling their operations with report writing, operational reviews, liquidation assistance, training and more.

“We don’t measure innovation only in traditional ‘success/failure’ terms,” Vukmer says. “Still, in the spirit of continuous improvement, we see even those projects that didn’t ‘hit the mark’ as pivotal steps in our path towards a better firm.”

“In an evolving industry such as specialty finance, it is important to keep an open mind,” Vukmer says, a notion he reinforces at Haversine. The firm’s ability to maintain and expand relationships through unique financial solutions previously unavailable to lenders further contributes to the commitment it makes to both its clients and to the specialty finance industry as a whole. •